Friday, January 10, 2020

My starting idea for my reality Tv advert

Initial idea
Behind the scenes - secret life of triplets 
Arguing, diary room, parties, ranting, mixed emotions but then them having eachothers back and caring about eachother lowkey even though they come accross asif they "hate eachother". 

Keeping up with the kardashians - all difrferent personalities 

Character descriptions

All three characters have very different personalities which makes them relatable to different audiences.

Caitlin, is the most straight forward character out of the three, this can make it challenging for the other characters to get along with her as the other sister would be more sensitive and will have a hard time understanding what her intentions are. However the perks of her straight forward personality is she is seen as honest and quite down to earth, She is also quite a confident character

Beth, is the kind hearted character which can also come across as a weakness and more like a push over, she has big aspirations and wants to go far in life, she cant wait to get away from her limiting life in chesterfield and she strives for bigger things. She is more of the mature character but also has a short temper and a stuck up character

Taela, very sociable character and loves going out, she is quite a humorous character but a bit dopey at times and always loves a good gossip, 

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