Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cereal advert

This task was a practice task to create a TV advert for a cereal brand aimed at a health conscious consumer. During this task the skills we developed were using a range of camera shots, angles, movements and sound mixing. A clear understanding of the audience demonstrated. Logo and tagline made 

What a surprise!

We created a 1 minuet film where somebody gives another person something that will change there day, in this we came up with the idea completely by ourselves, shot and edited everything to piece together our ad. The skills we developed during this task were to film in more than one location using a range of shot types, continuity editing techniques, 180 degree rule and sound mixing including voice overs.

Codes and Conventions in reality TV

Technical codes - editing, camera shots
Character codes - how the character is shown
Narrative codes - how the story line develops
Cultural codes - how different people interpret things

The mighty red car
not celebrities - normal people relate to it
different generations of people, wider audiences, relates to different age groups, occupations "real life soap opera" gives different interpretations and views of different generations
place represented as normal and mundane, some run down areas
different people to represent different personalities, not used stereotypically pretty women / men "your" collaborative interpreting that personal connection in terms of there using normal non celebrity people so you can relate to them and resonate with peoples stories
Choice of voice over - sounds like there from that area sounds like she's talking for us not at us or about us (not the stereotypical, radio/voice over voice)

I'm a celeb
looks like its filmed in the middle of nowhere like in the series
not a long or detailed advert- more of a reminder its back on as already got publicity it needs
Ant and Dec - every man figures, general and everyone likes them
Download app - getting audience physically involved from the start

Educating Yorkshire
mundane life - not posh or overly glamourous people
humour moments  - highlights
Three part structure - goes from bad student moments to humour to crying/emotions - takes you on a small journey - music goes along with it
Cultural code - slang 

Textual analysis of Friends 

In the reality TV drama 'Friends' the medias producers have constructed different versions of personalities and represented them with different characters within the friend group. Representations provide models of how the audience interprets different lifestyles for instance in Friends the character Phoebe is really spiritually aware and believes in things such as myths and Karma and is thge type that some people would call 'edgy'. This will favour and attract an audience who obtain or admire such a personality. Another character from Friends who is completely different to phoebe is Joey, he is somewhat a stereotypical young lad, he likes football, sex and is a bit stupid at times and what most people would consider as the 'hot one', Joeys character represents a 'lads lad' which will appeal to a different range of audiences,  All the characters are completely different to each other but in a way each represent different personalities that the audience can get on board with, as Rachels the fashionista and somewhat a girly girl, Chandlers the funny one who is constantly making jokes, Ross is the more intellectual one and Monica is the clean freak who kind of plays the 'mum' role of the group. It is important for the producers to portray such characters to differently to represent different personalities and characteristics as it attracts such a wide audience as not people can relate to them. To look further into the representations of the characters as a whole is that despite the different personalities of these characters there all still best friends and get along, This represents the equality and community of society and could be a part of why people enjoy watching it so much, 

Kitchen nightmares

 In this task i created a 1 minuet trailer from an hour long episode, The skills developed in this task  were editing, sequencing, highlighting and  selecting appropriate scenes to catch the audiences attention.